Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Modern Ethics of Human Research

My article, "Ethics and non biomedical research with human subjects", by Samia Hurst is a short article about ethics comittees in Switzerland and how they are not present in scientific experiments outside the biomedical domain. I chose this article because I thought is was interesting how another country deals with ethical science. I would like to note in the article the author mentions that had the research on assisted suicide on those with PTSD and how if it were done in a university setting it would be different, "Had this study been conducted by researchers situated in a Medical School, it would have required independent review by an ethics committee."(Hurst). I wonder that if George Gey was put under an ethics comittee both then or now if anything would have been different. 

Hurst, S. “Ethics and Non Biomedical Research with Human Subjects.” Swiss Medical Weekly (2011): n. pag. CrossRef. Web. 22 Oct. 2014.

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