Sunday, April 12, 2015

Life Unlimited Spring 2nd post Immortality

After watching the movie in class about Ray Kurzweil it got me thinking about a show on the Discovery channel which Adam Savage hosted called Curiosity with the episode titled "Can you Live Forever?". It talked about the theory of being able to live forever through the means of various different technologies and theories both fictional and non-fictional. The show and Kurzweil's moves had many of the same ideas about ways in which we could live forever. The Curiosity show first went over 3-D printing organs after and unfortunate accident involving Savage and a truck. This relates to Kurzweil's ideas on technology advancing enough to be able to keep his body able to go on until he can move his mind into a computer or some kind of cyborg robot. The show then moves forward in time to when the world is plunged into some kind of world war and Savage is forced underground during such a time he shows off the technology using stem cells to create new limbs from scratch and the ability to add technology to our brains to upgrade our memory storage so that we don't suffer from information overload. This is due to the rapid growth of technology due to the singularity which has given him the ability to do all of these things like how Kurzweil predicts it will. The computer brain hard drive upgrade reminds me of how Kurzweil wants to bring back his father by using computers to replicate an A.I. to be exactly like his father. This could be possible if the shows theory and Kurzweil's predictions are correct. The show ends with the possibility of humanity being able to transcend their bodies by giving them the power to be able switch between a selection of robots or clones to be able to switch between one for every occasion. The episode closes on him at his like thousandth birthday with his grand kids about 5 generations later supposedly. Kurzweil like the show have there own ideas on living forever, but I think the difference between the two is that Curiosity talks about it like a theory while the other is blinded by the idea of bringing his father back and not dieing. The show makes it a point when talking about certain tech I believe, it has been about 5 years since I have seen the episode, that some of the tech will take years to develop while others such as the 3-D organ printer are in development. I find that the show managed to perfectly talk about how the singularity would help us live forever unlike Kurzweil's documentary which was clearly biased due to most of the content trying to support his claim with the small bits of people disagreeing with him only to make him seem more human. Not to say that he has been wrong in the past about any of his other claims its just that his bid on immortality is a bit skewed because of his obsession with not dieing. Both forms of media are great at showing the ideas of living forever overall and are great to watch.

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